What is Certification?
The Handbell Musicians of America Certification program is a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide training and experience at all levels to handbell musicians. The study areas are:
- Music Theory
- Handbell Techniques
- Conducting
- Arranging and Composing
- Handbell History (Now available online)
- Electives
There are three levels of Certification.
Who Can Be Certified?
Any handbell musician (not just directors!) who is a member Handbell Musicians of America, or belongs to a member organization such as a school, church, or community group. Not a member? Join here!
There’s no time limit for completing the Certification classes and your Handbell Musician Certification is valid for life.
How Do I Become Certified?
Enroll in Handbell Musician Certification at www.handbellmusicians.org — simply logon to your member account and follow the registration link from the login welcome page.
You can begin immediately with Handbell/Handchime History online! Other classes are offered at Area and National events or through the Virtual Bell Academy. Check out the class schedules here.
Once you’ve completed all requirements for a specific level, the certification coordinator will contact you and provide you with the link to purchase your certificate for that level. The fee is $75 per level.
How Do I Check My Progress?
You can see what courses you’ve completed by logging into the account you registered for Certification in, and then under “What would you like to do?” choose “My Registered Events.” Find “Handbell Musician Certification” and select “Details” (on the right side) to see your certification record in a pop-up window. (You might have to scroll down in the window.) Any class that has been successfully completed will be listed. If a class is not listed, then you have not yet passed that class. If you have questions about your status, contact the National Office for assistance.